Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Windows 7 Verdict: You Can Quit Complaining Now

Could Windows 7 accomplish everything that's expected of it? Probably not, but it makes a damn good attempt. We've tested the gold master, the final version going out on October 22. Upgrade without trepidation, people. With excitement, even.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Missions to Mars Graphic Shows 52.4% Failure Rate

Mars. There has to be little green men with ACME weapons living there. Or we have some incredibly bad luck when it comes to sending spacecrafts to the Red Planet. Most of them fail, for one reason or the other.

Out of 42 missions, only 20 have succeeded. That's less than 50% chance of survival. And it gets worse: Of those, only eight were actually programmed to land on Mars, which is actually the theoretically difficult part.
While the success rate increased after 1971, I would be very nervous if I were a budding astronaut wanting to go up there—and still, I wish I was that astronaut. Better go in style while trying to reach the glory, than staying down here, slowly turning to dust.
Sourc: Gizmodo

Click on the picture to open an HD version in a new tab/window. You simply click to zoom on the new picture.

If you suffer Acrophobia, don't look at this

Photoshop whiners of the world: Stop saying words! This is not a photomontage. These two doors and the stair are very real, suspended many feet up on the concrete walls of the Congress Hall in Biel, Switzerland. Of course, those doors and the stairs weren't in the original plans. The original architects weren't as crazy as Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, the artists who built this vertigo inducing piece.
Source, Gizmodo

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Who doesn't like badgers?  There so cute and fuzzy...especially when they cover your screen :)
Check out the Flash Video -